Management System Implantation for Clinical Processes

Cross-management system based on clinical processes, which enables streamlining of professionals’ duties, error reduction and improvement of patient care. The model assumes a new organisation of duties within health centres which revolves around the needs of people suffering from a disease, from the moment they are diagnosed until the care process is finished. This places the patient at the centre of the system and separates clinical care from the manner in which professionals are functionally organised, in services and care units.

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Process management implies the identification of the workflow and of the variables involved in each process. With these data, the manner in which the information that constitutes the patients’ clinical records is collected and displayed in the clinical workstation—the computer application where information (diagnoses, additional testing and treatments) is stored—is redesigned.

Thirty processes

In the ICS hospitals, the main clinical station is called ARGOS and is connected to ECAP, the primary care platform, and the rest of the institution's clinical stations, as well as with the clinical records shared in Catalonia (HC3).
At the moment, more than thirty processes have already been adapted to the new ARGOS system, starting with the more complex and which require more coordination among professionals, such as those related to cancer diseases and the most frequent chronic conditions.
Not all ICS hospitals work with all processes. Nowadays, in Girona's Josep Trueta, for example, the diabetes mellitus, ictus and hemodyalisis are in operation.
With the system being implemented, the professional can only see on the computer screen the variables which are relevant to the clinical process being addressed, diagnosis indicators, complementary tests and indicated treatments (pharmacological, surgical, radiological, rehabilitation, etc.).
Thus, the professional only sees the information related to the action they are conducting with the patient. Hence, the time spent searching for fields to be completed in the application is saved.
The system can automatically write the clinical course. This saves the professional from having to write the clinical record in a text field, since requests and results have already been introduced and, therefore, appear in another area of the clinical station.

Source of information:
L'ICS implanta als seus hospitals un sistema pioner de gestió per processos clínics. Diari de Girona [Internet]. January 4, 2018 [query performed on August 29, 2018]; [approx. 2 screens]. Available at 



-       To improve coordination among professionals.
-       To reduce the time devoted to searching for information on the part of care professionals.
-       To improve the efficiency of care processes.


Time optimisation. Reduction of the time devoted to the search for care information on the part of the professional.

Employee satisfaction . Reduction in the time devoted to searching for information increases employee satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction. Improvement of the process efficiency implies a higher client satisfaction.

Better coordination between departments. Characterization of clinical processes improves coordination among the different agents.

Greater efficiency. Reduction of the time devoted to the search for information improves process efficiency.

More robust processes. Processes are strengthened through computerisation.

Management scopes

Generar valor per als clients

Develop the organisation's capacity

Lead with vision, inspiration and integrity

Manage with agility





Published on*** 8 Sep 2018


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